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What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves a series of actions to boost a website’s visibility in Google and other search engines’ unpaid search results. Unlike paid advertising methods such as Pay-Per-Click (PPC), SEO focuses on achieving higher rankings through organic means. This means that instead of paying for a spot at the top of search results, a website earns its place by having the most relevant and well-optimized content on a given topic.  

While PPC ads allow businesses to pay for prominent placement in search results, attracting traffic through SEO does not incur direct costs per click. However, implementing SEO and PPC strategies is common among companies aiming to maximize online visibility and traffic.

Understanding how search engines rank content is crucial for effective SEO. This knowledge enables you to tailor your content to enhance its chances of ranking higher in search results, thereby increasing its visibility to a wider audience. By the end of this article, you will grasp the fundamentals of how search engines work, empowering you to optimize your content effectively for better rankings and increased engagement. 

Why SEO is important?

SEO is a potent website traffic generator, drawing attention from over 83.9 billion visitors to Google.com in April 2023. This immense audience presents a significant opportunity for businesses where even a small share of this traffic can substantially impact their success.

Search engines are the primary traffic source for most websites, contributing to more than 60 percent of their total visits. Unlike the costs associated with paid advertisements, such as PPC on search engines or social media ads, the benefits of SEO extend well beyond the initial investment. Businesses reap the rewards from their link-building and content-creation efforts long after completing these activities.

Choosing SEO Paths: Black-Hat, White-Hat, and Gray-Hat Techniques

Optimizing your website for search engines can be approached in multiple ways, but marketers typically lean towards black-hat or white-hat SEO strategies. Black hat SEO employs questionable tactics to deceive Google into ranking a site higher. Although these methods might initially boost traffic, they often lead to penalties or even blacklisting by Google.

Common black hat techniques include:

  • Replicating content from other top-ranking sites.
  • Overloading articles with keywords makes them invisible by matching the text color to the background, so users can’t see them.
  • Cloaking and redirection send users from high-ranking pages to unrelated, often questionable sites.
  • Engaging in spammy link-building practices, such as buying packages that promise thousands of links overnight. 

While tempting for quick gains, these practices risk long-term visibility and credibility on search engines. Google’s penalties target websites engaging in dubious SEO practices, so we focus solely on white-hat SEO. This approach aligns with search engines’ guidelines and terms of service, embodying our commitment to the entrepreneurial long game. White hat SEO represents the most sustainable path forward.

It’s important to acknowledge the existence of gray hat SEO as well. This strategy occupies a middle ground, not as straightforward as white hat SEO but avoiding the overt manipulations characteristic of black hat methods. Gray hat SEO doesn’t aim to deceive or exploit loopholes aggressively. Instead, it seeks a competitive edge within the vague boundaries of Google’s guidelines.

Despite their attempts at clarity, Google’s standards often present a complex landscape with potential contradictions. Take the example of guest blogging. Google has expressed disapproval of using guest blogging solely for link building. Yet, the context shifts when guest blogging enhances brand visibility, drives quality traffic, and establishes industry authority.

In the SEO world, the essence lies not just in the actions taken but in the manner of their execution. Buying guest posts on unrelated sites and flooding them with links will likely incur penalties. On the other hand, contributing valuable, unique content through guest posts on relevant sites can bolster your site’s standing and facilitate the beneficial flow of link juice. This nuanced approach underscores the importance of strategy and intent in navigating the SEO landscape.

What are SEO strategies?

Creating an SEO strategy is essential for enhancing your website’s visibility in search engine results and driving more organic traffic. This comprehensive plan involves several key techniques, including keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, and effective link building strategies, all of which aim to boost your site’s performance.

An SEO strategy is the blueprint you follow to increase organic traffic to your website.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to developing an SEO strategy for 2024:

Step 01 – Gather Keywords

The cornerstone of any effective SEO strategy is keyword research. One of the most efficient methods to discover what your target audience is searching for is through Google Suggest. Simply type a potential keyword into Google’s search bar, and it will automatically offer a list of related suggestions. These suggestions are invaluable because they reflect actual search queries directly from Google, indicating a genuine interest from users.

Long-tail keywords, which are more specific and often longer than general “short-tail”, present a golden opportunity. Despite their lower search volumes, long-tail keywords are typically less competitive, making them easier to rank for in search results. It’s advisable to experiment with entering various keywords into Google until you compile a preliminary list of around 10.

To further refine your list, tools like Semrush or Ubersuggest can provide insights into the search volume and competition for each keyword. These tools are instrumental in assessing the potential of your chosen keywords for attracting targeted traffic.

For those looking to deepen their understanding of keyword research, numerous resources and tutorials are available, including instructional videos that offer detailed guidance.

After gathering a list of approximately 10 keywords, you’re well-prepared to advance to the next phase of your SEO strategy. This initial step lays the groundwork for a targeted approach to SEO, ensuring that the content you create and optimize is aligned with the interests and search behaviors of your intended audience.

Step 02 – Consume the First Page of Google

After identifying a set of keywords, the next step is to check who currently ranks for these keywords. Simply enter one of your selected keywords into Google and review the top 10 search results. Take note of any recurring patterns you observe. 

For instance, search results for “SEO Tools” are dominated by listicles of tools. This observation suggests that to effectively address this topic on your website, creating a list post would be a strategic move. Recognizing the format and content type that dominates the first page of search results can guide you in crafting content that aligns with what is proven to perform well.

Step 03 – Line up Your Competitors

For SEO competitor analysis, we highly recommend using Semrush, a tool that significantly simplifies and accelerates the process.

Begin by selecting “Domain Overview” and entering your website’s URL. Proceed to the bottom of the page, where you’ll discover a section titled “Main Organic Competitors.” This section lists websites that rank for similar keywords and target audiences like yours.

By clicking on the “View all…” button, you gain access to a comprehensive list of your competitors and detailed insights. This includes the number of keywords you have in common with these domains and the traffic levels they achieve.

The “Common Keywords” section is particularly insightful. It reveals the total number of keywords shared between your site and each competitor’s site. Websites with many shared keywords should be considered your direct competitors.

By the conclusion of this step, you should have identified a minimum of 4-5 primary organic competitors, marking a crucial milestone in your SEO strategy development.

Step 04 – Quality Content for SEO

It’s time to craft exceptionally high-quality content for SEO, and you have two main paths to choose from:

  • Option #1: Craft something unique.
  • Option #2: Develop something superior.

There are moments when aiming to surpass existing content in quality and comprehensiveness is the goal, a strategy known as The Skyscraper Technique. However, producing entirely unique content can be equally effective because it allows your work to stand out.

Consider this scenario: While planning to write about “Mobile SEO,” I observed that the first page of Google was filled with listicles like “X Ways to Mobile Optimize Your Site.” This observation highlights an opportunity to differentiate the content.

But what if your goal is to outshine the top-ranking content on Google’s first page? Then, you should aim to create ten times better content than the existing resources. For instance, noticing that most articles on “SEO tools” featured only 10-20 tools, you should opt to compile a comprehensive list of 177 SEO tools. This ambitious effort led to my post securing a top 3 ranking for the keyword “SEO Tools.”

Step 05 – Get Backlinks

Acquiring backlinks is essential to climbing the search engine rankings in 2024—and you’ll need plenty of them. A study by Stone Temple Consulting, featured on the Moz blog, confirms that links maintain a strong correlation with first-page Google rankings, highlighting their continued importance as a Google ranking factor.

So, how can you effectively gather these crucial backlinks? Start by understanding why people link to certain content within your industry, identifying the compelling element or “The Hook” that makes your content link-worthy.

Consider a practical example: Observing the growing trend of bloggers discussing voice search, we noticed a pattern. Articles on voice search are often linked to sources providing statistics and data. We analyzed this insight and conducted a comprehensive voice search study with valuable stats. This single study has since amassed over 5.6K backlinks, with more than 90% of these links referencing specific statistics from the study.

However, data is just one form of “Hook” you can leverage to attract links to your content. Ultimate guides represent another effective hook strategy. 

Step 06 – Look for the Right Keywords

Optimizing your content with the right keywords is crucial for on-page SEO success. For 2024, we recommend concentrating on three essential on-page SEO tactics:

Internal Linking: Yes, internal linking remains effective. The strategy involves linking web pages with high authority to those that could benefit from an authority boost. For instance, we identified a highly authoritative page on our site a few years back and created a link to the new guide. It’s a straightforward yet effective approach.

Short, Keyword-Rich URLs: Our research on 11.8 million Google search results revealed a surprising insight: shorter URLs tend to perform better in search engine rankings than longer ones. Therefore, you should ensure that the URLs are concise, either containing just the keyword or the keyword plus an additional word. Both approaches are effective.

Semantic SEO: You should enhance your content with Semantic SEO by incorporating words related to your target keyword. To find these terms, start with a Google Images search using your target keyword, which shows words and phrases Google deems closely related. A standard Google search, followed by a review of the “Searches related to…” section at the bottom of the results page, provides further relevant terms. Incorporating these terms into your content can significantly improve its SEO performance.

By focusing on these strategies, you can optimize your content for on-page SEO, setting a solid foundation for improved search engine visibility.

Step 07 – Understand the Search Intent

Optimizing for search intent is crucial, and it forms the core of The Skyscraper Technique 2.0. Let us illustrate this with an example.

We once authored a post aimed at driving more traffic to websites. While it performed decently, it failed to break into the top 5 for our target keyword, “increase website traffic.” A closer examination of Google’s first page revealed the issue: our content did not align with the search intent behind the keyword.

The top-ranking content for “increase website traffic” typically featured concise, actionable traffic tips, whereas my article provided a more abstract, process-oriented approach. This mismatch led to a suboptimal user experience for those coming from search engines. We revamped the article into a list post to address this, better aligning it with the search intent. This adjustment propelled the content into the top 3 positions for our target keyword, resulting in a 70.43% surge in search engine traffic compared to the original version.

Considering search intent from the start when publishing new content is beneficial. For instance, when targeting “SEO Audit,” we noticed that the highest-ranking articles outlined straightforward, non-technical steps. We met the search intent by incorporating easy-to-implement strategies into our post, such as ensuring that Google indexes only one version of our site, identifies and resolves indexing issues, and enhances on-page SEO. This strategic alignment allowed our article to reach the first page of Google within a month.

Step 08 – Design the Content Accordingly

Content design is perhaps the most overlooked aspect of content marketing. Even the highest quality content can fail to gain traction if its presentation is lacking. Therefore, a significant portion of your marketing budget should be dedicated to content design.

Each guide you write should be uniquely designed and coded from scratch on WordPress. It’s costly but emphasizes the value of superior content design. However, achieving impactful content design doesn’t always require a hefty investment. Here are four types of visual content that effectively enhance your content without breaking the bank.

Graphs and Charts: I include at least one chart in every post because they simplify complex data. For example, in a mobile SEO guide, a chart helps visualize the concept of 27.8 billion, making the data more accessible. Additionally, these charts often get reused in blog posts, providing backlinks.

Screenshots and Pictures: Your posts should frequently feature screenshots to clarify technical steps, with some posts containing as many as 78 screenshots. These are not just for decoration but are used to explain specific actions. Pictures in non-technical fields like fitness fulfill a similar role by demonstrating exercises.

Blog Post Banners: Unlike graphs and screenshots, blog post banners are purely aesthetic, adding visual appeal to each post. At Team Rhino Marketing Consultants, every post is introduced with a distinctive banner.

Graphics and Visualizations: Similar to charts, graphics and visualizations help illustrate concepts rather than data. For instance, to explain the importance of redirecting all site versions to a single URL, a simple visual can make the concept clearer than text alone.

Step 09 – Link-building

It’s time to focus on actively building links to your content. Three effective link-building strategies are currently yielding great results.

Broken Link Building: Identify a broken link on a website and suggest your content as a suitable replacement. For instance, consider an outreach email you sent to a marketing blogger, pinpointing a location on their site where our link would fit perfectly. By offering help before making a request, we found that the blogger was more than willing to include my link.

Competitor Analysis: This tried-and-true method remains effective. Begin by locating a website that ranks well for your target keyword. For example, aiming to rank for “SEO Audit,” we examined the backlinks of a top-ranking page with links from 407 domains. By methodically reviewing these backlinks, we identified opportunities where the content could provide additional value, such as a comprehensive list that would benefit from including my SEO audit post.

Evangelist Method: This approach focuses less on direct link building and more on getting your content noticed by influential bloggers in your niche. For example, to promote a new case study on the Skyscraper Technique, we used BuzzSumo to find recent sharers of related content and reached out with a personalized message. Without explicitly asking for shares, this subtle outreach technique exposed my post significantly.

Step 10 – Get the Right Strategy

You may have come across the story of how we can achieve a 260.7% increase in organic traffic by relaunching the content. That strategy remains effective today.

While relaunching the website, you should implement a list of free SEO techniques, especially if you have a small business. Rather than simply republishing the existing content under the guise of something “new,” undertake a thorough revision. Try to eliminate outdated screenshots and images, introduce new strategies, and remove those that are no longer effective. 

The outcome? This comprehensive update will significantly increase organic traffic to the page, demonstrating the enduring power of refreshing and improving your content. 

How SEO work?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is like a guidebook for helping websites get noticed by search engines like Google and Bing. Here’s a simpler way to understand it:

  • Most people find websites by using search engines.
  • Search engines show websites they think are important or useful. They decide this by using special formulas to examine all the information on the Internet and pick the best matches for what someone is searching for.
  • SEO is making your website easy for search engines to find and like. This involves using certain words people search for, linking to other sites, and ensuring your website has good information.
  • Since search engines always change how they decide which websites to show, SEO people must learn new tricks to stay on top. This is important because being one of the first websites to appear in search results can help attract more visitors.

To do well in SEO, it’s important to:

  • Make sure your website is nice to use and works well.
  • Use honest methods to improve your website’s search engine ranking.
  • Understand what people are looking for when they use search engines.
  • Keep an eye on changes to how search engines decide which websites to show.

This way, your website can get more visitors by showing up higher in search engine results.

SEO Strategies

When setting up a plan to make your website more noticeable on search engines, experts like Neil Patel, a famous digital marketing guru, suggest a few important steps:

Know what your visitors want: Write your website’s content by considering what people searching online are trying to achieve. This will help them find what they need on your site.

Figure out who your audience is: It’s all about understanding your visitors. Find out who they are, what they enjoy, what they don’t like, and why they came to your site in the first place.

Make your text easy to read: People usually don’t have much time and can easily get distracted. So, use bullet points, pictures, headings, and short sentences to make your content easier to scan.

Offer clear next steps: Your website should answer visitors’ questions and guide them on what to do next. This way, they get the information they sought and know what action to take afterward.

Major SEO Terms

Let’s simplify some common SEO terms you might hear in the world of digital marketing:

  • Audience: These are the people you’re trying to reach with your website or product. They’re defined by their habits and characteristics like age, interests, and behavior. Knowing your audience affects almost everything in marketing, from where you advertise to what products you develop.
  • Searcher Intent: This is about understanding why someone is searching online. There are four main reasons:
  1. Looking for information
  2. Trying to find a specific website
  3. Planning to buy something
  4. Comparing products before making a purchase
  • Keywords: These are the words or phrases people type into search engines. They can be just one word or a whole sentence. Marketers use these keywords to help their websites rank higher in search results.
  • Meta Description: This summarizes what’s on a web page. It appears in search results under the page title and helps people decide whether to click on it.
  • Content: This includes all your website’s text, pictures, and videos. Good content is essential for attracting visitors and improving your search engine ranking.
  • Backlinks: These are links from other websites to yours. They’re like votes of confidence, showing search engines that your site has good information.
  • Site Architecture: This is about how your website is organized and how different pages link. A well-organized site makes it easier for people and search engines to find what they want.
  • Site Speed: This is how fast your website loads. Faster sites provide a better experience for visitors and are favored by search engines.
  • Schema: This is a technical tool that helps search engines understand the content on your site, enabling them to provide more informative results to searchers.

These terms are key to understanding and improving your website’s appearance in search engine results.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research

When you’re looking into keywords to help people find your website, there are three important factors to consider:

How Relevant Your Content Is: Google wants to show users content that matches their preferences. This means your articles or pages need to answer the questions people have. If your content is the most helpful and informative option, Google is more likely to show it to users. Simply put, your content needs to be top-notch and directly answer the search query to get a good ranking.

Your Website’s Authority: Google looks more favorably on websites that it sees as trustworthy and expert sources of information. To build your site’s authority, fill it with useful content and get other people and websites to notice and link back to it. If your site is new or not recognized as a leader on the topic, especially if you’re competing against big names like Forbes or The Mayo Clinic, it might be hard to rank well unless your content is incredibly good.

How Often People Search for the Keyword: Being on the first page of Google’s search results is great, but it’s not helpful if nobody searches for the keyword you rank for. It’s like having a store in a deserted town. The frequency with which people search for a keyword is known as the monthly search volume (MSV). A higher MSV means more people are looking for that keyword every month, which could lead to more visitors to your site.

How to find keywords on a website (Google Keyword Planner)

Google Keyword Planner is a no-cost tool for researching keywords. It’s useful for finding new keywords, checking how many times they’re searched for, and understanding the cost of advertising for them. Even though it’s designed for PPC (pay-per-click) ads, it’s also great for SEO (search engine optimization) planning.

Here’s a simple guide on setting it up and using it for both SEO and PPC:

Setting Up Google Keyword Planner

  • Start by Creating a Google Ads Account
  • Visit the Google Ads website and click “Start now.”
  • Log in with your Google account.
  • Choose “Switch to Expert Mode” for more control and to skip straight to account setup without making an ad.
  • Click on “Create an account without a campaign.”
  • Pick your billing country, set your time zone, and choose your currency. Then click “Submit.”
  • Once you see the confirmation page, click “Explore your account.”

Accessing Keyword Planner

  • In your Google Ads account, look for “Tools and Settings” on the menu.
  • Under the “Planning” section, you’ll find “Keyword Planner.”

Now, you’re ready to start finding keywords for your projects. Google Keyword Planner offers two main features for your keyword research needs:

Finding New Keywords

This option helps you come up with new keyword ideas.

You can start by entering up to 10 keywords related to your business or using a website’s URL to generate suggestions based on its content.

How to Find New Keywords:

Starting with Keywords: If you already have some keywords in mind, type them into the search bar, up to 10, and hit “Get results.” You can also input your website’s URL to help Google filter out irrelevant suggestions. You’ll get a list of keywords related to your input and data like average monthly searches and bid estimates.

Starting with a Website: You input a website or specific page URL here. Google then provides keyword ideas based on the content of the given site or page. Enter the URL, decide whether you want suggestions from the whole site or just one page, and click “Get results.” You’ll see a list of keywords and related data.

Checking Search Volume and Forecasts:

Use this if you have a list of keywords and want to see how often they’re searched and other metrics.

Enter your keywords (paste them, type them one per line, or separate them with commas) and click “Get started.” You’ll see data on search volume and other metrics but no new keyword ideas.

Understanding Search Volume and Forecasts:

After entering your keywords, you’ll see a page with their search volumes and other relevant data. This doesn’t include new keyword suggestions.

If you select “Forecast” on the left, Google will show predictions on the performance of your keywords if you run ads, including estimated clicks, impressions, costs, click-through rates, and the average cost per click (CPC).

This tool is incredibly useful for SEO and PPC campaigns (check what’s best). It helps you understand potential keywords to target and their expected performance.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO Expert in Dubai

Local SEO is about making your business more visible online to people in your area. It helps drive local traffic to your website and increases brand awareness.

Key activities in local SEO include:

  • Make sure your Google Business Profile is up-to-date
  • Researching keywords that people in your area use
  • Writing content that’s relevant to your local audience

This approach is especially useful for businesses with a physical location or those serving specific regions.

Local SEO is crucial because many people use Google to find local business information in countries like the USA, France, Germany, and the UK. Google is the top choice for these searches.

Searches on Google Maps for “shopping near me” have more than doubled globally yearly. Similarly, searches on mobile for “store open near me” have increased by over 250% in two years, and searches including “where to buy” + “near me” have gone up by more than 200%. This amounts to hundreds of millions of searches every day.

How Local SEO Functions:

Google uses three main criteria to decide which businesses to show for local searches:

  • Relevance: How well a business matches the search query.
  • Distance: How close the business is to the searcher.
  • Prominence: How well-known or popular the business is.

Google shows local search results in two ways:

  • The “local pack” includes a map and the top business listings.
  • The regular organic search results are the standard blue links.

The local pack is a special Google feature highlighting the top businesses related to your search, along with a map, making it easier for users to find local services and products. Read the 10 best Local SEO Strategies here.  

Google’s E-E-A-T

Google EEAT

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It’s a concept from Google that helps guide their team in evaluating the quality and relevance of online content. While it’s not a direct factor in ranking websites, following E-E-A-T principles can help website owners align with what Google considers quality content.

Understanding E-E-A-T Signals

Google’s guidelines and blog updates shed light on the importance of E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) and how they define these terms. Here’s a breakdown of each component and tips for incorporating them into your online content.

The Evolution of E-E-A-T

On August 1, 2018, Google updated its algorithm, significantly affecting many websites’ rankings. This update favored content that showed more expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, known as E-A-T. Later, in late 2022, Google added another ‘E’ for experience, making it E-E-A-T, to emphasize the value of first-hand experience in content.

  • Experience

Google values content created from personal experience. For instance, reviews should come from people who have actually used the product or service. Sharing real-life experiences, especially in reviews of businesses or products, can make your content more valuable to those searching for genuine insights.

  • Expertise

Content should reflect a deep understanding of the subject, especially for topics that significantly impact readers’ lives, such as health, finance, and legal matters, often referred to as your money-or-your-life (YMYL) topics. Demonstrating expertise may require showing credentials, like licenses or degrees, particularly in professional fields. However, expertise isn’t limited to formal education; practical knowledge and everyday skills also count.

  • Authority 

Being an expert means showing you have deep knowledge in your area. However, being seen as an authority means other people and websites also see you as an expert. This often comes down to how many other websites, especially reputable ones, link to your site or talk about your brand.

For instance, if a well-known health website links to your blog post about nutrition, it helps establish your authority in the health and nutrition field.

  • Trust

Trust is the most crucial part of the E-E-A-T concept. Even if a page shows a lot of Experience, Expertise, or Authority, it won’t be valued highly by Google if it’s not trustworthy. Trustworthiness depends on how accurate, easy to find, and legitimate the information you share on your website is. 

For instance, a retail business that makes contact information easy to find and offers various customer support options on its “Contact Us” page is more likely to be seen as trustworthy and legitimate. 

Here are some key ways to build trust according to Google’s guidelines:

  • Make sure your contact details are easy to find and correct. Avoid hiding them or listing incorrect information like wrong phone numbers or fake addresses.
  • Keep your website’s security measures and customer protection policies up to date.
  • Publish only factually correct information. Support your claims with evidence and link to other reputable sources when possible.
  • Ensure your shipping and return policies are clear and easy for customers to find.
  • If your site includes reviews, show a fair representation of customer feedback, not just the positive comments.
  • Be transparent about any advertising partnerships.
  • Avoid overwhelming your site with ads, popups, or anything else that could worsen the user experience.
  • For local businesses, the overall sentiment of your reviews should be positive and reflect a realistic amount of feedback compared to similar businesses in your area.

Following these guidelines can help your website be seen as more trustworthy in the eyes of Google and its users.


Mastering SEO is a long journey that requires a deep understanding of how search engines work, alongside a commitment to creating high-quality, relevant content. Markers wonder what the Future of SEO would look like. Businesses can significantly enhance their online visibility by focusing on the pillars of SEO—relevance, authority, and trustworthiness—and employing strategies that align with Google’s guidelines.   

Whether through keyword research, optimizing for local SEO, or adhering to E-E-A-T principles, the goal remains the same: to improve your website’s ranking in search results, thereby attracting more organic traffic. Remember, SEO is not a one-time effort but a continuous process of adaptation and improvement. By staying informed and applying best practices, you can ensure that your website reaches its target audience and delivers value that keeps them coming back.


Haris Sami

Haris Sami

Apr 17, 2024

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